New World Trading Company
NWTC has a flexible offering which appeals to a broad range of consumers, and which is successful in both large cities and smaller regional towns. It currently operates from 35 sites under nine brands. Its flagship ‘Botanist’ concept operates from 25 locations, the ‘Florist’ and the ‘Club House’ from two locations each, and the ‘Oast House’, ‘Smugglers Cove’, ‘Trading House’, ‘Canal House’, ‘Furnace’ and ‘North Light’ from one each. This multi-branded approach enables NWTC to open more than one site in the same city or large town, whilst maintaining the authenticity and distinctiveness of the concept.
22 sites have been opened since Graphite’s investment, including three operating under new brands. The company has won several industry awards, including the Sunday Times 100 Best Companies to Work for 2020, Leading Bar/Club of the Year for the Oast House at the ‘This Is Manchester Awards’ 2022, ‘Pub of the Year’ for The Canal House in the West Midlands Tourism Awards 2022, and ‘Best County Pub Awards’ for The Botanist Cardiff at the National Pub & Bar Awards 2022.
NWTC is one of five investments that Graphite has made into the restaurant and bar sector. In these investments Graphite has been highly involved in driving margin improvement, improving technology and operations, hiring senior management, developing KPI monitoring and optimising site selection. Together with the management team, we have mapped a further roll-out plan for NWTC’s brands, subsidised by significant landlord contributions. The company has been opening up to six sites per annum during Graphite’s ownership.